Rajib Kumar Mitra
    Assistant Professor, SNBNCBS

   Telephone +91-33-2335 5706/07/08 (extn: 252)

Educational Background:

  • Ph.D. from ISI Kolkata (degree awarded by Jadavpur University) in 2005
  • M.Sc. from Calcutta University (1997)
  • Professional Background:

  • Post Doctoral fellow at SNBNCBS (till 2007); Bose Fellow at SNBNCBS (till 2010)
  • Research Interests:

  • Ultrafast (Femtosecond and picosecond resolved) Fluorescence Spectroscopy
  • High frequency (THz) spectroscopy
  • Structure and dynamics of biomolecules (proteins, enzymes, nucleic acids etc.)
  • Self-organizing bio-mimicking systems: Structure, Dynamics and Energetics
  •   Significant Recent Publications:

    • Luong, T.Q., Verma, P.K., Mitra, R.K. and Havenith, M., "Do Hydration Dynamics Follow the Structural Perturbation during Thermal Denaturation of a Protein: A Terahertz Absorption Study" *Biophysical Journal, *101(2011) 925-933* *(Cover Article)**
    • Verma, R.K., Saha, R., Mitra, R.K. and Pal, S.K., "Slow water dynamics at the surface of macromolecular assemblies of different morphologies", *Soft Matter* 6 (2010) 5971-5979
    • Mitra, R.K., Verma, P.K., Wulferding, D., Menzel, D., Mitra, T., Todea, A.M., Lemmens, P., Mueller, A. and Pal, S.K., "A Molecular Magnet Confined in the Nanocage of a Globular Protein", *ChemPhysChem *11 (2010) 389-393 (Cover Article)
    • Verma, P.K., Makhal, A., Mitra, R.K. and Pal, S.K., "Role of Solvation Dynamics in the Kinetics of Solvolysis Reactions in Microreactors", *Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics* 11 (2009) 8467-8476.
    • Mitra, R.K., Sinha S. S. and. Pal, S. K "Temperature Dependent Solvation Dynamics of Water in AOT/isooctane Reverse Micelles", *Langmuir* 24 (2008) 49-56.
    • Mitra, R. K., Sinha, S. S. and Pal, S.K. "Temperature Dependent Hydration at Micellar Surface: Activation Energy Barrier Crossing Model Revisited", *J. Phys. Chem. B* 111 (2007) 7577-7583.
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