Educational Background:
B.Sc. (Hons) in Physics 2001 from University of Kalyani
M.Sc. in Physics 2003 from University of Kalyani
Ph.D. in Astronomy 2010
Professional Background:
Post Doc in PRL (2009 -2010)
SNBNCBS(2011 - 2012)
Research Interests:
Observational Astronomy
Variable Stars
Instrumentation in Astronomy
Significant Recent Publications:
Banerjee D.P.K. Das R. K., Ashok N.M. et al.,Near-infrared studies of the 2010 outburst of
the recurrent Nova U Scorpii, 2010, MNRAS Letters, 408, 71. |
Das R.K., Banerjee D.P.K., Ashok N.M., Detection and evolution of the CO (Δv = 2)
emission in nova V2615 Ophiuchi (2007), 2009, MNRAS, 398, 375.
Das R.K., Banerjee D.P.K., Ashok N.M., A near-infrared shock wave in the 2006 outburst of
recurrent nova RS Ophiuchi, 2006, ApJ Letters, 653, L141.
Das R.K., Banerjee D.P.K., Ashok N.M., A near-infrared shock wave in the 2006 outburst
of recurrent nova RS Ophiuchi, 2006, ApJ Letters, 653, L141.