Educational Background:
PhD from Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai in 2007
M.Sc. from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi in 2001
B.Sc. from Scottish Church College, Kolkata in 1999
Professional Background:
Assistant Professor, S.N. Bose National Center for Basic Sciences (November
2011 - present)
Postdoctoral fellow, Technion, Israel (October 2009 - September 2011)
Postdoctoral fellow, Research Centre Juelich, Germany(June 2007 - September 2009)
Research Interests:
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics: Driven Diffusive Systems,
Phase Ordering, Passive Scalar Advection, Statics and Dynamics of Shocks in Nonequilibrium Systems, Exact Solution for Interacting Particle Systems using Bethe Ansatz, Work Fluctuation Theorems in Nonequilibrium Systems with Dissipation
Reaction and Diffusion in Microporous Solids: Single-file Diffusion
inside Zeolite Channel, Molecular Traffic Control and Reactivity Enhancement in Catalysts
Biological Systems: Chemotaxis of E. coli Bacteteria, Movement of Bacteria under Thermal Gradient (Thermotaxis), Actin-based cell motility
Significant Recent Publications:
Strong molecular traffic control effect in TNU-9 zeolite channel topology by Sakuntala Chatterjee, R. Harish and Gunter M. Sch\"{u}tz, accepted for publication in J. Phys. Chem..
Determinant Representation for Some Transition Probabilities in the TASEP with Second Class Particles by Sakuntala Chatterjee and Gunter M.
Sch\"{u}tz, J. Stat. Phys. vol:140, 900 (2010)
The importance of boundary effects in diffusion of hydrocarbon molecules in a one-dimensional zeolite channel by Sakuntala Chatterjee and
Gunter M. Sch\"{u}tz, J. Stat. Mech. P01017 (2010)
Shock Probes in One-dimensional Katz-Lebowitz-Spohn Model by Sakuntala Chatterjee and Mustansir Barma, Phys. Rev. E vol:77, 061124 (2008)