S.N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences (Appointment of Faculty January 2010) About the candidates
S.N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, JD Block, Sector – III, Salt Lake, Kolkata – 700 098 is looking for Scientists and Academics with brilliant academic and research records in current areas of advanced basic sciences (as established through steady publications in best peer reviewed journals) for appointment as permanent faculties of the Centre. For appointment as a Senior Professor, the candidate must be a tenured Faculty member/Scientist in an academic institution/national laboratory of repute and should have an exceptional record of publications as well record of guiding research as evidenced through PhD students awarded PhD degrees.
The duties The selected faculties are required to pursue a vigorous independent research programme on topics of current interest, take part in other academic activities of the Centre including teaching and supervision of PhD dissertation and carry out duties assigned by the Director from time to time. The faculties of the Centre are expected to bring sponsored projects through competitive process. Reasonable start-up fund may be made available to new faculties.
The Centre The Centre (established in 1986 with a 15 acre green campus) is an autonomous institution funded by the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India. The Centre with a current strength of nearly 30 faculties, more than 15 post-doctoral research staff and about 120 students has research activities in focused areas. It has research activities (Theoretical, Computational and Experimental) in different areas of Physical, Chemical and Mathematical sciences. In recent years the Centre has made significant investment to upgrade its experimental research and computational facilities.
How to Apply Applications in plain paper with CV, a complete list of publications, number of PhD students already completed (essential for applicants for Senior Professor position), a short statement of research interest and name and address of at least 4 referees for Faculty Fellow, 6 referees for Readers and 8 referees for Senior Professor should be sent to the Director of the Centre (e-mail: arup@bose.res.in) , S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Block JD, Sector III, Salt Lake, Kolkata 700 098, West Bengal, India by February 28, 2010 . The soft-copy should be followed by a hard copy. Candidates, who have already sent their CV before, need not apply again. However, they may update their CV and publication list etc. if they so desire.
The short listed applicants (who have not visited the Centre earlier) will be invited for an academic visit and seminar at the Centre during last week of February and first week of March 2010. The selection will be based strictly on academic merits.
Available Faculty positions and areas , Qualification and Experience, age limit and pay scales
The faculty appointments are likely be made in the following positions and areas:
For appointment as a Senior Professor, the candidate must be a tenured Faculty member/Scientist in an academic institution/national laboratory of repute and should have an exceptional record of publications as well as a record of guiding research as evidenced through PhD students awarded Ph.D. degree.
If exceptional candidates are found in other areas they may be offered suitable appointment on recommendation of the Selection Committee. For candidates with exceptional publication record, the Selection Committee can relax the experience/age.
Government of India rules on reservations as well as relaxation of age and experience for reserved categories will apply. Last date of receipt of application is 28th February, 2010.
Acting Registrar
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