S.N. Bose National Centre is an autonomous institution funded
by DST. It is committed to research and teaching in different
frontier areas of basic sciences. Recently the Centre has embarked
on new areas of research and teaching including initiation of
extensive experimental activities and would like to expand these
activities in the coming years.
The new
areas of research are focused on:
A. Nano Science and Technology
1. Synthesis of Nano materials 2. Physical
measurements using scaling probe microscopy. 3. Mesoscopic
Phenomena 4. Electronic Structure & Modelling 5.
Nanolithography 6.
B. Theoretical Chemistry and Chemical
1. Density functional theory, quantum fluid dynamics
and their applications. 2. Atoms/molecules under
intense/super-intense laser fields. 3. Atoms/molecules
under strong magnetic fields. 4. Quantum chaos. 5.
Computational quantum chemistry (novel molecules,
nanoclusters, biomolecules, drug-DNA interaction modeling,
etc.) 6. Theoretical spectroscopy and relaxation
phenomena. 7. Simulation studies and non-equilibrium
Applications are invited from CSIR-UGC NET (with fellowship)
and NET (LS) qualified candidates for Ph.D. research. Candidates
with M.Sc. in Chemistry/Physics may apply on plain paper with full
biodata including photocopies of marksheets and NET qualification
certificate to:
The Academic Programme Coordinator S.N.
Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences Block JD, Sector III,
Salt Lake, Kolkata – 700098 http://oldweb.bose.res.in
The short listed candidates will be called for an interview
at the Centre. The final selection will be made based on the
interview. Candidates are also selected through